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Room by Room Plant Decoration: Bedroom

It's not uncommon to see houseplants in the kitchen, living room, or bedroom. So why is it so odd to see plants in the bedroom? It shouldn't be.

Plants in your bedroom can do more than just make your bedroom look brighter, they can also boost your mood, enhance your creativity, reduce your stress level, increase your productivity, naturally filter air pollutants, and much more.

Many of us don’t realize how important air quality is. Oftentimes the insulation, paint, and furniture in our homes can pollute our indoor air with toxins like formaldehyde and benzene. To help purify the air in your home, consider adding plants. A Plant in the bedroom can absorb harmful gases through the pores in their leaves, filtering and cleaning the air you breathe every day.

Some people worry that plants in the bedroom will cause carbon dioxide (CO2) poisoning, but this is an urban myth. It’s true that when you turn off the light, the plant no longer has a source of energy, and so photosynthesis stops. This means that it no longer takes in CO2.

Meanwhile, in the dark, the plant continues to respire – a process that releases CO2 (the exact quantity of which depends on the size of your plant and its species). However, any plant small enough to fit in your bedroom produces far less carbon dioxide than a sleeping human, and is perfectly safe to share a room with. Making the answer to this question a resounding yes; plants are great for the bedroom.

Every bedroom is different. You will need to judge the amount of light and warmth in yours before deciding what to grow. Finding the right plant will take some finesse. You may need to move your plants around to find the ideal light, and that can change from season to season. But here are our choices for plants that will do in average bathroom conditions.

Below are 8 of the best plants to keep in the bedroom.

Among NASA’s top 10 list is the Philodendron which is a popular houseplant because it’s almost impossible to kill. This trailing plant’s heart-shaped leaves come in a variety of visually appealing variations and are particularly effective at absorbing formaldehyde. However, keep out of reach of pets and children because this vining plant is toxic when eaten.

Bedroom Benefit: Absorbs formaldehyde from the air

Care Tip: Moderate to bright light; water occasionally

Similar in aesthetic to the heart leaf philodendron, the trailing pothos plant is effective at filtering out formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and benzene and is extremely easy to care for and grow. It has been nicknamed ‘the cubicle plant’ because of how tolerant it is.

Bedroom Benefit: Purifies indoor air of toxins and helps eliminate odors

Care Tip: Moderate light; water regularly

3. Snake Plant

Also known as Mother-In-Law’s tongue, this insanely low-maintenance plant is an optimal choice for the bedroom because not only does it claim a spot on NASA’s list of the top 10 air-purifying plants, but it also is one of few houseplants that converts carbon dioxide into oxygen at night (something most houseplants only do during the day).

Bedroom Benefit: Filters indoor air during the day and night

Care Tip: Bright indirect light; water the vining plant occasionally'

This low-maintenance beauty with its striking forest green leaves is a powerful toxin eliminator and air purifier. The abundant leaves of this plant draw in large amounts of contaminants, making it excellent at cleaning indoor air. Allow these plants to dry between waterings and keep in moderate to low light.

Bedroom Benefit: Improve indoor air quality by absorbing airborne chemicals

Care Tip: Moderate to low light; water occasionally

Peace Lilies bloom beautiful white flowers that are perfect for indoors because they are known to clean the air of formaldehyde, benzene, acetone, alcohols, and trichloroethylene. These plants are poisonous so make sure to place them somewhere that is out of reach for children and pets. To care for a Peace Lily, keep the soil moist and place it in an area of your home that gets moderate to bright indirect sunlight.

Bedroom Benefit: Purifies indoor air and can absorb acetone vapors

Care Tip: Moderate to bright indirect light; water regularly

The Areca Palm is a tropical plant that adds a lush aesthetic to any indoor environment. These plants are boasted for their air-purifying abilities that remove harmful toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. One study found that the Areca Palm is one of the best plants for removing carbon dioxide from the air. These palms grow best in bright indirect light when their soil is kept evenly moist.

Bedroom Benefit: Absorbs air pollutants — purifying indoor air

Care Tip: Bright indirect light; water regularly

7. Aloe Vera

Another plant listed on NASA’s top air-purifying plants, Aloe Vera releases oxygen at night making it perfect for your sleep environment. It is also one of the easiest plants to care for, because it can tolerate neglect — meaning you can go three weeks without watering it and it will be OK. These succulent plants are also known for their medicinal benefits; the juice from their leaves can be used for scrapes and burns when applied topically.

Bedroom Benefit: Filters indoor air during the day and night

Care Tip: Bright indirect light; water occasionally

8. Spider Plant

Perfect for a hanging planter, and easy to propagate; this indoor plant is effective at fighting a variety of pollutants such as benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and xylene. Keep these plants in bright to moderate indirect sunlight and water occasionally during initial growth. Once you’ve had the air-purifying plant for about a year, water moderately.

Bedroom Benefit: Purifies indoor air by removing harmful chemicals

Care Tip: Moderate to bright light; water occasionally

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